Archive for the Tag 'Add new tag'


It’s been a few months since I’ve posted a blog — in case anyone is keeping track.  The primary reason this well has been dry is that I have been in the final editing stages of my new book — Begin Again, Believe Again: Embracing the Courage to Love With Abandon — which will be […]

Filed in Change,Desire,Disappointment,Dreams,Loneliness,Love Story,Newness,Redemption,Relationship with Jesus,Surrender 4 Comments so far


Wednesday night I walked into a place that I never intended to be.  I was immediately asked to hand over my driver’s license, leave all my personal belongings behind, and remove any jewelry.  I was given a clip-on badge — no name, but simply a number became my identity.  I followed other women through a […]

Filed in Addiction,Change,Freedom,Love Story,Relationship with Jesus,Surrender One Response so far


That is a picture of a bonsai tree.  I have never thought much about bonsai trees until I met Neil.  I met Neil a few months ago and he asked me a great question:  “What are the three things you want to do next?”  I fumbled around with an answer and then asked Neil what he […]

Filed in Change,Dreams,God's Mercy,Redemption,Relationship with Jesus,Surrender One Response so far


I was sitting in a nail salon on Friday morning pampering myself with a manicure when a group of teenage girls pushed through the door.  “We’d like a manicure!” they said in unison. “It will be fifteen minutes,” the girl behind the counter replied.  “Pick out your colors.”  The girls proceeded to pick their nail polishes as […]

Filed in Disappointment,Healing,Loneliness,Relationship with Jesus,Surrender 3 Comments so far


  On my flight to Orlando I sat next to a woman who was travelling to Florida to run a marathon.  It only took me a few minutes to identify that she was a serious runner.  She had the well-toned legs of a runner, and she carried her most prized possession with her on the […]

Filed in Addiction,Loneliness,Powerlessness,Redemption,Relationship with Jesus Comments Off on THE POWERLESSNESS-DRIVEN LIFE


This past month I found myself in a not-so-surprising set of circumstances.  My life seems to run in a cycle of working myself into exhaustion only to collapse.  I completely identify with Henri Nouwen’s confession in his book, In The Name of Jesus, “. . . I came to see that I had lived most […]

Filed in Addiction,Change,God's Mercy,Powerlessness,Relationship with Jesus One Response so far


“I just graduated from seminary, and I can’t find a job, can’t afford my apartment, all of my friends are moving, and I haven’t had a date in over a year!  Why would God make me for things that I can’t have?”  This question from an honest friend is one version of the same question that I’ve heard […]

Filed in Desire,Disappointment,Dreams,Redemption Comments Off on DREAMS AND DONKEYS


4:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning found me pulling the Christmas tree up from the basement.  I hung the ornaments and plugged in the lights, and by 5:00 a.m. I was putting out the nativity scene.  No, this is not some warm, family tradition.  It was a combination of time confusion from jet lag (I couldn’t […]

Filed in Giving to Others,Loneliness,Sorrow,Surrender Comments Off on A CHRISTMAS WISH


Yesterday I had coffee with someone I have not seen for over 13 years.  In fact, he was ten-years-old when I last saw him.  His parents were dear friends.  We ministered in church together, we ate many meals together, and we often swapped babysitting.  This now 23-year-old reminded me that I used to give him […]

Filed in God's Mercy,Healing,Redemption,Relationship with Jesus Comments Off on REDEEMING JUDGMENT


  Tomorrow I head to Dallas to speak at the MOP’s (Mothers of Pre-schoolers) Convention.  I can’t wait to be a part of this amazing event and to speak to young mothers about addiction.  I recently wrote an article for the MOP’s magazine, Fulfill.  ( entitled “Thirst”.  I wrote about my own addiction to alcohol […]

Filed in Addiction,Change,Freedom,God's Mercy,Healing,Surrender One Response so far

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