Archive for the Tag 'Reconciliation'


In the wake of yet another scandal we are discovering that all the ways that the Internet allows us to connect are also baffling, cunning, and insidious ways to disconnect. A website that “guarantees” you an affair if you can pay the price, leaves most of shaking our heads at who would think of such […]

Filed in Addiction,Affairs,Alcoholism,Ashley Madison,C.S. Lewis,Dehumanizing Behiavor,Designing Women,Desire,Disappointment,Ezer,Failure,Fraud,Giving to Others,God's Mercy,Grace,Imposter,Inappropriate Relationship,Josh Duggar,Julia Sugarbaker,Kale Salad,Killing Desire,Living Water,Love Story,Perversions,Redemption,Relationship with Jesus,Relationships,Salvation Story,Scandal,Sexual Addiction,Singleness,Social Media,Suitable Helper,Surrender,Teach Our Daughters to Breathe Fire,The Humble King,Thirst,Venmo,Vulnerability One Response so far


Yesterday I had coffee with someone I have not seen for over 13 years.  In fact, he was ten-years-old when I last saw him.  His parents were dear friends.  We ministered in church together, we ate many meals together, and we often swapped babysitting.  This now 23-year-old reminded me that I used to give him […]

Filed in God's Mercy,Healing,Redemption,Relationship with Jesus Comments Off on REDEEMING JUDGMENT