Archive for the Tag 'Desire'


“I just graduated from seminary, and I can’t find a job, can’t afford my apartment, all of my friends are moving, and I haven’t had a date in over a year!  Why would God make me for things that I can’t have?”  This question from an honest friend is one version of the same question that I’ve heard […]

Filed in Desire,Disappointment,Dreams,Redemption Comments Off on DREAMS AND DONKEYS


I just returned from the Los Angeles area where I had occasion to pick up a magazine called Los Angeles Confidential.  The headlines on the front of this magazine promised that within its covers I would discover the most wanted item by Los Angeles trendsetters.  I quickly flipped through pages of pictures of celebrities and […]

Filed in Addiction,Desire,Economy,God's Mercy,Relationship with Jesus,Shopping,Surrender One Response so far

Made for more

“Back in middle school I asked my mom, “Why shouldn’t I just go party with all of the other kids?” I remember her saying, “Because you want More.” I am almost twenty-two years old now and I still want more. I want more from/for myself. I want more from my relationships. I want More from […]

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