Belonging: Finding the Way Back to One Another

Belonging: Finding the Way Back to One Another by [Sharon A. Hersh]

Walk Into Unexpected Places of Truth and Connection

What would happen if you declared that life is not all about your pain, your
accomplishments, your abuse, or your rights? If you long for a deeper, more meaningful story, Sharon Hersh will show you how to courageously walk into unexpected places of truth and connection—to each other and to a God whose love and longing is so vast that he has woven you into his story.

Belonging explores what could happen in each of us if we bravely embrace the truth of the innate worthiness and welcome God freely offers to all. It is about us finding our way. Together. It is about a supernatural interconnectedness to a deeper story that invades every nook and cranny of our lives with light and love—because we belong to one another. Click here to buy now!

If you feel alone and stuck, read this book. Rediscover our rescue story and a love worth living for.” —BOB GOFF (New York Times bestselling author)

“Belonging will change the trajectory of your story and help you join the stories around you with wisdom and joy.” – DAN B. ALLENDER, PHD, professor of Counseling Psychology and founding president, The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, author of To Be Told, The Wounded Heart, and Healing the Wounded Heart

Belonging is Sharon’s most important book yet. In a culture hungry for what is illusive, grasping for what is just out of reach, her story invites us to rest in the Love which is already ours.” – CHUCK DEGROAT, professor, therapist, author

Begin Again, Believe Again: Embracing the Courage to Love with Abandon

Our hearts were made by God for relationships.  Why is it, then, that the thing we most deeply desire becomes the source of so much pain?  In this honest, intimate, and transformative book, Sharon helps you gain a new perspective on relationships that can help you endure the heartaches and still come up living wholeheartedly, loving with abandon, an daring to hope and believe.  The stories in this book are signposts that point you beyond the sometimes devastating problems of life to the deep, rich reason and root of all relationships, both good and bad.  Relationships are not the destination — they are the path to something More.  Click here to buy!

The Last Addiction: Why Self Help is Not Enough!

The Last Addiction
In an age of tell-all addiction memoirs and reality television programs, we gulp down the stories of others in the hope that we, too, can be overcomers–even as we continue to love a person, substance, activity, or ideology too much. As Sharon Hersh writes, “We all suffer from the same condition.” In The Last Addiction, she explores why we are prone to addiction–to make one thing in our lives more central than it should be–and how we can break free of our compulsions. This is not a book of “self-help” answers or “how-to” steps. It is a book about falling down and getting up again, about realizing that we need more than ourselves to be saved. The truth is, we’re not as bad as we think we are and we are worse than we ever dreamed. When we live between those two realities, we are ready to let go of the last idol: the belief that we can save ourselves. The Last Addiction invites you to see your own story more clearly as you better understand your longing for intimacy. It invites you to love boldly and receive love in return. It invites you to the freedom of redemption. Click here to buy!

Reviews of the Last Addiction:

“There is a different life beyond addiction. Read this brilliantly crafted, true book. Then, read it again. There’s hope in these pages. A new life, a better life. Take it.” – Dr. Gregory L. Jantz, Ph.D., C.E.D.S., founder of The Center for Counseling and Health Resources, Inc. (, and author of 16 books

“Sharon Hersh is a brilliant artist of the heart whose broken story radiates with the mystery of relentless, down and dirty, truth-filled love. It is scandalous to claim, as Sharon does, that an addiction bears a gift for the addict and for all those who care for him. If it is true, and it is, then shame is not our final covering, nor is sorrow our only friend. If you know you struggle with gods that are not your creator, but have created madness, loneliness, and heartache, then the journey of The Last Addiction will bring you face to face with the One whose transforming love is our deepest desire.” –Dan B. Allender, Ph.D., president and professor of counseling, Mars Hill Graduate School, author of Leading with a Limp and To Be Told

“A must-read for anyone who wants to go beyond addiction into the heart and soul of recovery.” –William Cope Moyers, author of Broken: My Story of Addiction and Redemption “I love this book because Sharon reveals the most beautiful truth: We’re all addicts. And we all have Hope.” – Peter Hiett, pastor and author.

Brave Hearts

Brave HeartsUnlocking the Courage to Love with Abandon. Within every woman is the desire for extraordinary relationships. We crave intimacy and interconnectedness, companionship and camaraderie. Yet most of us eventually begin to wonder if we want too much. As heartbreak and disappointment take their toll, we become convinced that our desire for deep connection is our downfall. Not understanding that a woman’s longings are her strength, we bury or ignore this God-given compass and lose our way. Yet the desire to connect persists. We make cookies for a new family in the neighborhood, send a note of encouragement to someone at church, plan date nights with our spouse, call a friend after a bad day at work to tell her every detail because we know she cares. And still we long for more. What is behind this yearning? Is it healthy? Is it normal? Does it have a purpose? Yes, says author and licensed professional counselor Sharon Hersh-and in Bravehearts, she’ll teach how your deepest longings can lead you to rich relationships and give you the courage to love with abandon. Click here to buy!

“Mom, I feel Fat!”

Mom, I feel Fat!Becoming your Daughter’s Ally in Developing a Healthy Body Image. Never before have our daughters been more obsessed with the concept of being “fat” From kindergarten on, girls worry about the size of their bodies. Where can a mother turn for advice on how to proactively parent a daughter struggling with-or soon to confront-these insecurities? Whether your daughter is 8 or 16, Sharon Hersh will help you understand her, the body image issues she faces, and yourself. With a foreword by Debbie Smith and an afterword by Natalie LaRue, “Mom, I feel fat!” includes age-appropriate exercises and thought-provoking questions for you as a mom and for you and your daughter together. As you learn about hand-in-hand mothering, you will respond to your daughter not out of insecurity or fear, but out of a limitless love for her. You will find that this way of mothering is filled with hope as every struggle, question, and failure becomes an opportunity for transformation-for you and your daughter. “This is the help and hope that parents need today!” -Dennis Rainey,executive director of FamilyLife “Sharon Hersh has written a sensitive, thoughtful, and extremely valuable resource for mothers of girls.” -Sandy Richardson, executive director, Remuda Foundation and the author of Soul Hunger Click here to buy!

“Mom, I hate my life!”

Momm I hate my life!I don’t know why my daughter is so angry. She yells at me all the time!” “Our daughter comes home, goes straight to her room, turns on her CD player and won’t talk to anyone ––especially me.” “The emotional ups and downs of our daughter’s life make us all feel like we’re on a roller coaster.” Navigating an adolescent daughter’s emotional life is one of a mom’s toughest challenges. A teenage girl’s volatile emotions can seemingly toss her and you like a hurricane. When a scary external world and a turbulent internal world collide, the result is sometimes overwhelming and confusing. What can you do to protect your relationship with your daughter, guide her through this chaotic time, and assure her you are truly on her side? Your adolescent daughter’s struggles can help her and you to grow and thrive. The good news is you are equipped with the most powerful resource available for maintaining and developing connection with your daughter: a mother’s heart. Learn how you can use hand-in-hand mothering skills to become the ally your daughter needs parenting out of love, not fear and find out how you both can experience dramatic, life-changing growth in the process.

Endorsement for “Mom, I Hate My LIfe!”

Peppered with examples from her counseling practice and her own experiences as a mother to a teenage girl, Hersh’s book urges sensible compassion as mothers and daughters become companions on a mutual journey. She gives concrete and specific examples of how mothers can appropriately respond to their daughter’s pain and help them understand their feelings. Throughout, Hersh also offers a central Christian message that God’s love should be the foundation of girls’ and mothers’ identities. Publishers Weekly No one is more precious and disturbing to us than our children. There is no subject we are more desperate and fearful to enter than parenting. And there is no better book than Mom, I Hate My Life! to honestly and hopefully guide you to hope. We all know our children face realities we could never have imagined and we rightfully need a wise, kind, and generous guide. Sharon Hersh lives and writes with brilliance, wisdom, and winsome wit. This book will allow you to encounter the rapids of your daughter’s adolescence with greater confidence and joy. Dan Allender, author of How Children Raise Parents Click here to buy!

“Mom, everyone else does!”

Mom, everyone else does!Help Your Daughter Resist Peer Pressure– Even When You’re Not Around. A national survey in 2001 indicated that in the U.S. one-fourth of the high school seniors have problems with drugs and alcohol, nearly two-thirds of teenagers experiment with drugs before finishing high school, and fifty-six percent of seventeen-year-olds know at least one drug dealer at school. Studies also indicate that when a girl chooses to use substances, peer pressure is the biggest reason why. Many parents believe the best they can do is to teach their daughters right from wrong and hope for the best. But there is more that you can do. Because while peer pressure may be the biggest influence for girls who choose to use substances, parental involvement is the single most important factor for those who decide not to. The dangers of substance abuse can actually bring you and your daughter closer. Whether you want to help your daughter resist the overwhelming pressures to drink, smoke, and use drugs; have discovered or suspect that your daughter may be using substances; or want to help her develop a strong and positive identity in response to negative peer pressure, this book shows how the lure of today’s teen “party” culture puts you in your most powerful position ever to connect with and influence your daughter. Click here to buy!

“Mom, Sex is NO big deal!”

Mom, Sex is no big deal!You can use the challenges your daughter faces today as catalysts to help her develop a sacred view of sex and of herself. Your daughter will make critical decisions during her adolescence and those decisions will have lifelong consequences. But you, as a mother, can have enormous influence over your daughter if you are prepared. “Mom, Sex Is NO Big Deal!” will arm you with information and strategies to help your daughter arrive at a place of wholeness as she makes decisions about how she will behave sexually during the most vulnerable period of her life.  Click here to buy!
click here to read the forward by Shannon Ethridge, author of the Every Woman’s Book Series