Archive for the Tag 'Healing'


RADICALLY REDEMPTIVE RELATIONSHIPS – FINDING COMMON GROUND FOR THE SAKE  OF LOVE Skinny or Stay Hungry?OMKJOZpYOa8 When my daughter became sick, I could hardly comprehend the reality that she – my wild child, joy of my life – was ill with a disease that kills more young woman, between the ages of 17-23, in […]

Filed in Addiction,Change,Dehumanizing Behiavor,Desire,Eat Disorders,Freedom,Giving to Others,Grace,Gratitude,Healing,Killing Desire,,Loneliness,Newness,Perfectionism,Powerlessness,Radically Redemptive Relationships,Redemption,Resurrection,Starvation,Stay Skinny or Stay Hungry?,Surrender,Telling the Truth,The R cubed Challenge,Uncategorized,Vulnerability 4 Comments so far


“Count back from one hundred,” the anesthesiologist prompted me with the standard cue that ushers surgery patients into a safe oblivion.  In those split seconds before everything went blank I remember thinking, “It would be okay if I didn’t wake up.”  Wow.  Even as I write that sentence it is hard for me to believe that […]

Filed in Addiction,Begin Again Believe Again,Change,Disappointment,God's Mercy,Gratitude,Healing,Redemption,Relationship with Jesus,Sorrow,Thanksgiving,Uncategorized 6 Comments so far


I was sitting in a nail salon on Friday morning pampering myself with a manicure when a group of teenage girls pushed through the door.  “We’d like a manicure!” they said in unison. “It will be fifteen minutes,” the girl behind the counter replied.  “Pick out your colors.”  The girls proceeded to pick their nail polishes as […]

Filed in Disappointment,Healing,Loneliness,Relationship with Jesus,Surrender 3 Comments so far


  Tomorrow I head to Dallas to speak at the MOP’s (Mothers of Pre-schoolers) Convention.  I can’t wait to be a part of this amazing event and to speak to young mothers about addiction.  I recently wrote an article for the MOP’s magazine, Fulfill.  ( entitled “Thirst”.  I wrote about my own addiction to alcohol […]

Filed in Addiction,Change,Freedom,God's Mercy,Healing,Surrender One Response so far

Lesson #1 From the Mayo Clinic

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of accompanying a friend to the Mayo Clinic.  When I first got there I was amazed and appalled.  When we pulled up to one of the hospitals in the sprawling complex, there were 60-75 people in wheelchairs waiting for transport.  Everywhere we went there were sick people […]

Filed in Addiction,God's Mercy,Healing,Relationship with Jesus One Response so far