Archive for the Tag 'forgiveness'


The next videocast in the Radically Redemptive Relationships: 2 Woman Find Common Ground for the Sake of Love is about Scandalous Relationships. You can watch it at We all read the headlines: “8 Church Scandals That May Have Challenged Your Faith;” “Today it’s Tulian: Will the Scandals Never End;” “Scandal Rocks biggest Christian Network” […]

Filed in 2 Women Finding Common Ground for Love's Sake,Affairs,Ashley Madison,Betrayal,Bravehearts,Breathe,Breathe Fire,Breathe Love,Dehumanizing Behiavor,Desire,Disappointment,Failure,Freedom,God Only Writes Good Stories,God's Mercy,Grace,Gratitude,Holly Stratton,,Loneliness,Love Story,Masks,Radically Redemptive Relationships,Redemption,Relationship with Jesus,Relationships,Resurrection,Say Something,Scandal,Surrender,Thirst,TulianTchividjian,Uncategorized,Vulnerability Comments Off on RADICALLY REDEMPTIVE RELATIONSHIPS

HOW I FOUND $36,000!

  I didn’t want to go. I didn’t have time to go. But I remembered what it was like to be confined, unable to even get your own Chapstick. (And in the dry heat of Colorado that can be traumatic.) In fact, as I drove on this reluctant errand, I recalled when my parents discovered […]

Filed in Addiction,Addiction Treatment,Alcoholism,COURAGE TO CHANGE,Dehumanizing Behiavor,Detox,Disappointment,Failure,Finding $36000,Freedom,Giving to Others,God's Mercy,Grace,Gratitude,Healing,Isolation,Living Water,Loneliness,Loving our neighbors,Mental Illness,Mother's Day,Powerlessness,Pride,Radically Redemptive Relationships,Redemption,Relationship with Jesus,Relationships,Salvation Story,Sorrow,Surrender,Telling the Truth,The Humble King,Thirst,Vulnerability 2 Comments so far


In the wake of yet another scandal we are discovering that all the ways that the Internet allows us to connect are also baffling, cunning, and insidious ways to disconnect. A website that “guarantees” you an affair if you can pay the price, leaves most of shaking our heads at who would think of such […]

Filed in Addiction,Affairs,Alcoholism,Ashley Madison,C.S. Lewis,Dehumanizing Behiavor,Designing Women,Desire,Disappointment,Ezer,Failure,Fraud,Giving to Others,God's Mercy,Grace,Imposter,Inappropriate Relationship,Josh Duggar,Julia Sugarbaker,Kale Salad,Killing Desire,Living Water,Love Story,Perversions,Redemption,Relationship with Jesus,Relationships,Salvation Story,Scandal,Sexual Addiction,Singleness,Social Media,Suitable Helper,Surrender,Teach Our Daughters to Breathe Fire,The Humble King,Thirst,Venmo,Vulnerability One Response so far


BEFORE READING: Please know that my intention in writing the blog below was not to shame anyone.  Quite honestly I wrote this blog immediately after watching the 20/20 program and it practically wrote itself — without any checks in my spirit.  After receiving one email from a friend concerned that I was doing the same […]

Filed in Addiction,Confession,Freedom,God's Mercy,legalism,Relationship with Jesus,Relationships,Telling the Truth 8 Comments so far