Archive for the Tag 'substance abuser'


That love wins and God will not condemn anyone to eternal damnation A cell phone bill for under $30.00 Forgiveness An eye cream that erases dark circles Third, fourth, and even fifth chances Low-calorie comfort food that tastes good A real live person on the telephone who helps with cable or internet problems Unconditional, no-strings attached, […]

Filed in Addiction,Dreams,Giving to Others,New Book,Uncategorized 2 Comments so far


I haven’t written a blog for a long time.  I have a lot of excuses.  It was a rough summer, and yet despite the vicissitudes of hope and despair of the past months this new book hits the bookstore shelves October 29, 2010.  I can’t think of a better theme for my own heart and […]

Filed in Begin Again Believe Again,Change,Confession,Disappointment,Dreams,God's Mercy,Healing,Loneliness,New Book,Relationship with Jesus,Relationships 3 Comments so far