Archive for the 'Tattoos' Category


Radically Redemptive Relationships? You’ve Got to Be Crazy! Into Me See – It Takes A Braveheart The day has finally come when my dear friend since college (dare I say, over thirty years ago!?) Holly Stratton ( and I share our debut VIDEOCASTS: Radically Redemptive Relationships: Finding Common Ground For Love’s Sake. The videocasts were […]

Filed in Addiction,Alcoholism,Bravehearts,Change,Confession,COURAGE TO CHANGE,Desire,Disappointment,Divorce,Donald Miller - Scary Close,Failure,Freedom,Giving to Others,God Only Writes Good Stories,God's Mercy,Grace,Holly Stratton,Illusion of control,Imposter,legalism,,Loneliness,Love Story,Passion,Pride,Radically Redemptive Relationships,Relationship with Jesus,Relationships,Tattoos,Telling the Truth,The R cubed Challenge,Vulnerability 2 Comments so far


Everyone is talking about it. Betrayal. Whether it’s a pastor whose name was discovered in the Ashley Madison hack or President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran – that some say is an unforgivable betrayal of Israel – betrayal makes us run for cover in fear that we might be the next to be betrayed or […]

Filed in Affairs,Ashley Madison,Betrayal,Confession,Dehumanizing Behiavor,Desire,Disappointment,Eiie Wiesel,Failure,God Only Writes Good Stories,God's Mercy,Grace,Gratitude,Holocaust,Inappropriate Relationship,Iran and Israel,Obama,Powerlessness,Radically Redemptive Relationships,Redemption,Relationship with Jesus,Relationships,Salvation Story,Scandal,Social Media,Surrender,Tattoos,Vulnerability Comments Off on TATTOO OF BETRAYAL