Archive for the 'Love Talks' Category


Three weeks ago my friend, Nick Richtsmeier and I began The Convos – a conversation on Facebook (about the worst place to have a conversation) based on our belief that conversations make us and break us. This week we talked about Thanksgiving table talk, gun violence, trolls, the “love zone,” the Orlando nightclub shooting, and […]

Filed in Black Friday,Breathe Love,Busyness,Change,Dehumanizing Behiavor,Failure,Gratitude,holidays,Holy cow!,Holy ground,Imposter,Loneliness,Love Listens,Love Talks,Loving our neighbors,Masks,Politics,Radically Redemptive Relationships,Saving Conversation,Say Something,Social Media,Thanksgiving,The Convos,The Person Behind the Opinion,The World is Wide Enough,This is About Us,Vulnerability,Words Comments Off on WHO NEEDS CONVERSATION?


If you missed CONVO #1 on SAVING CONVERSATION, you can listen by copying this link and clicking:!Asfc_1Nx41LwgYdffizom47EM7fPHQ or go to Yes, I introduced myself as an almost 60 year-old woman (holy cow!) who is half Republican, half Democrat; part introvert and part extrovert; a recovering alcoholic; fierce lover of Jesus; and as someone who […]

Filed in Broken-open hearts,Change,Desire,Holy cow!,Holy ground,Jared Polis,Loneliness,Love Listens,Love Talks,Loving our neighbors,Mental Illness,Politics,Relationships,Saving Conversation,The Convos Comments Off on THE CONVOS: SAVING CONVERSATION